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Resepi Masak Sayur Campur Chinese Style

Bila memasak ni kadangkala jem juga kepala fikir nak masak menu apa. Asyik menu sama je bosan juga tekak kan. So apa kata cuba masak sesuatu yang berbeza dari kebiasaan. Jom cuba Resepi Masak Sayur Campur Chinese Style perkongsian dari facebook ( kredit  Nini Kimi )

1.Shitakae Mushroom ( Rendaman semalaman )

Bahan hiris & tumis 
1.Bawang Putih -Hiris nipis dlm 3Ulas
2.Halia - 1 hiris
3.Sos Tiram
4.Tepung jagung (dalam 1 sudu teh kecik, larutkan dengan air setengah cawan)
5.Minyak *untuk menumis

Cara Memasak 
1.tumis halia & bawang putih. Dah naik bau dan kekuningan . Masukkan sos tiram sikit. Kacau sampai naik bau, masukkan air..api sederhana kecik dan kacau lagi. Masukkan shitakae mushroom ( Shitakae mushroom nak potong boleh.Tak nak pun boleh .Janji batang dia buang sebab keras )

2.Kacau..kemudian masukkan carrot.Kacau lagi.Masa ni boleh la nak letak garam sikit atau serbuk perasa ( Optional ) Kalau rasa dah tak nak pun tak apa sebab Sos tiram dah ada rasa masin manis tu. Kemudian kecikkan api sikit.

3. Masukkan brokoli dan kacau..kemudian akhir sekali masukkan air tepung jagung tadi..kacau sikit sampai sebati.

Siap dan sedia untuk dimakan

Resepi Masak Sayur Campur Chinese Style

Rabu, Mei 08, 2024

Assalamualaikum dan hi..kalau ke Temerloh apa yang korang akan bayangkan? Tentu nya teringat akan makanannya yang paling popular iaitu Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak kan..zaza pun antara pengemar masakan ikan patin tempoyak..paling suka bila dapat hirup kuahnya..memang boleh licin mangkuk.

Antara kedai patin tempoyak yang sedap di Temerloh yang terletak berhampiran dengan sungai tu..Orang Temerloh dan Pahang mesti tahu kan..kalau orang luar, boleh je google insyaallah jumpa la tempatnya..

Tapi macam zaza lah, kalau nak masak sendiri memang tak terbuat.. setakat kalau zaza nak makan baik beli je hehe..

Tapi mungkin ada dikalangan korang yang nak cuba belajar masak Patin Tempoyak ni boleh cuba Resepi Patin Tempoyak Original Pahang yang dikongsi oleh Suraya Yaacob.

Resepi Patin Tempoyak Original Pahang
Foto dan Resepi  Kredit : Suraya Yaacob
( Minta halal ya untuk zaza share resepi ini kepada pembaca blog ini )

Resepi Patin Tempoyak Original Pahang

Bahan - Bahan dan cara masak :

10 ulas cili padi merah
1 inci kunyit hidup
*Tumbuk dalam lesung batu sampai lumat

3 sudu tempoyak dimasukkan dan gaul rata
Kemudian masukkan ke dalam periuk

Tambah air dan didihkan di atas dapur

Masukkan garam dan ajinomoto secukup rasa
Masukkan ikan dan tunggu sampai didih

Setelah mendidih, masukkan daun kesum dan bunga kantan

Siap dan boleh lah dimakan bersama keluarga tersayang..

Mudah je rupanya kan nak masak ikan patin tempoyak original pahang ni..bahannya pun mudah sangat nak dapat. Ok selepas ni ni boleh la kita sama-sama belajar masak..oh ya zaza patin tempoyak ni mau bertambah-tambah makan nasi..

Oklah selamat mencuba!

Resepi Patin Tempoyak Original Pahang

8 Kebaikan Makan Buah Manggis. Buah manggis memang manis isinya. Buah manggis kerap muncul apabila tibanya musim buah durian. Bila duduk kampung dan datang musim durian..memang banyak la buah manggis berbuah

8 Kebaikan Makan Buah Manggis

Foto -

Tapi tahukah anda buah manggis ni banyak khasiatnya. Selama ni hanya tahu makan je tanpa tahu apa khasiat yang tersembunyi. So jom kita tengok 8 Kebaikan Makan Buah Manggis... sedapppp

1. Mengekalkan Kesihatan dan Kecantikan

Manggis mengandungi sebatian antioksidan yang lebih tinggi daripada kandungan vitamin C dan vitamin E, yang bermanfaat untuk mengekalkan badan yang sihat dan berkhasiat untuk kecantikan.

2. Mencegah dan Merawat Kanser

Buah manggis mengandungi Antioksidan yang tinggi dan dikatakan sebagai anti-kanser. Buah manggis mampu merawat penyakit seperti kanser payudara, kanser darah, kanser perut, kanser paru-paru, dan kanser kulit.

3. Mengurangkan Paras Kolesterol

Xantohne yang terdapat dalam buah manggis dapat menurunkan kadar kolestrol di dalam badan

4. Mengekalkan Kesihatan Mata

Manfaat buah manggis untuk kesihatan mata adalah dapat mencegah katarak dan masalah penglihatan, gangguan yang disebabkan oleh radiasi yang menghilangkan protein dalam kanta mata. Oleh itu memakan buah manggis amat baik kerana ia kaya dengan anti -oksida

8 Kebaikan Makan Buah Manggis

5. Mencegah dan merawat batu karang

Batu karang umumnya berlaku pada lelaki. Mengambil buah manggis dapat membuatkan anda kerap membuang air kecil sekaligus dapat mengurangkan berlakunya batu karang dalam badan,

6. Mencegah dan merawat penyakit jantung

Boleh mengelakkan berlakunya penyakit kardiovaskular dan arteriosclerosis yang menyebabkan saluran darah di kawasan jantung  mengalami kehilangan keanjalan. buah manggis dapat memulihkan keadaan kembali normal  Ini kerana antimikrobial dan antioksidan terkandung di dalam buah manggis. Oleh itu ia dapat mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung.

7. Menormalkan tekanan darah (tinggi)

Menormalkan tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit yang sering dirujuk sebagai tekanan darah tinggi berlaku disebabkan gangguan ke dalam saluran darah dan meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung dan strok yang boleh menyerang tubuh. Oleh yang demikian, pemgambilan buah manggis diyakini dapat mengelakkan berlakunya tekanan darah tinggi.

8. Merawat Asma / Sesak Nafas

Jika anda mengalami sesak nafas, segera mengambil buah manggis. Ini kerana asma adalah penyakit yang diklasifikasikan sebagai kecemasan yang membawa kepada kematian. Oleh kerana kerosakan kepada sistem pernafasan. buah manggis mempunyai keupayaan untuk melawan jangkitan dan mengandungi bahan yang boleh mengurangkan alahan.

Banyak lagi khasiat dan kebaikkan buah manggis ni.. so buat korang jom amalkan memakan buah manggis. Bagi yang tak gemar memakan buah manggis eloklah ubah cara pemikiran. Ini kerana buah manggis mempunyai banyak khasiat terutamanya dapat mengelakkan pelbagai jenis penyakit berbahaya.

sumber- health tips

8 Kebaikan Makan Buah Manggis


Resepi Rendang Kerang. Assalamualaikum. Tiba-tiba je teringin nak makan rendang kerang. Dulu masa raya, zaza ingat lagi kakak zaza ada buat rendang kerang. Sekali rasa makan dengan nasi impit, Ya Allah, memang sedap sangat-sangat. Kakak zaza ni memang pandai masak macam-macam. Tak macam zaza kurang pandai sikit masak.

Btw, zaza ada terjumpa resepi rendang kerang ni. Boleh lah sesiapa nak belajar masak guna resepi ni.

  • Bawang besaq 2 biji
  • Bawang putih 2 biji
  • Lengkuas besar ibu jari
  • Kunyit hidup 3 ibu jari
  • Serai
  • Halia besar ibu jari
  • Cabai kering ajak-agak je berapa ( jika nak kena letak banyak )

1. Blender semua bahan dan tumis sampai pecah minyak. Letak asam keping

2. Kalau rasa asam keping tak berapa masam, letak air asam jawa

3. Dah mendidih dan pecah minyak letak kerisik 1 sudu besar

4. Agak-agak kerisik dah sebati, masukkan santan. Biar api perlahan. Sentiasa kacau.

5. Dah pecah minyak masuk isi kerang dengan daun kunyit..

6. Masukkan garam. Siap

Resepi Rendang Kerang

Kredit Sumber Noor Ashila 

Resepi Rendang Kerang

Resepi Kacang Buncis Sambal Tumis

Malam-malam ni terliur pula bila ternampak Resepi Kacang Buncis Sambal Tumis ni. Makan nasi panas ditambah dengan ikan masin memang cukup menyelerakan.

Jom kita cuba resepi dibawah ini


1/2kg kacang buncis potong serong
5 ulas bawang merah*
3 ulas bawang putih*
sedikit belacan
segenggam ikan bilis
3 sudu cili kisar
garam dan aji
sedikit gula

Cara Memasak 
1. Tumbuk bahan-bahan bertanda (*)
2. Panaskan minyak.. masukkan ikan bilis.. goreng sekejap jangan sampai garing..
3. Masukkan bahan tumbuk..tumiskan hingga kekuningan..
4. Masukkan pula cili kisar.. tumis hingga naik bau..
5. Masukkan kacang buncis.. garam.. aji dan gula secukup rasa..
6. Bila kacang dah agak lembut.. tutup api
sedia untuk dihidang.

Kredit kepada pemilik dan juga perkongsian dari facebook Resepi Enak

Resepi Kacang Buncis Sambal Tumis

Shapellx Shapewear: Your Guide to a Perfect Look

Getting the perfect look you want should not be a struggle for women. With Shapellx, it has become a lot easier to enhance your look and feel confident. But how do you achieve this? Are there any proper steps to follow or certain shapewear to choose? Let's find out.

Shapellx Shapewear: Your Guide to a Perfect Look

Understanding Shapellx Shapewear

It is a renowned brand that offers a range of shapewear designed to target specific areas. They have the best shapewear to give you a natural curve. But, you must know what to wear and achieve your desired look. For example, if you want to smooth out your tummy, you should try a waist trainer. Similarly, you can get the perfect buttocks with butt lifters. Whereas they offer body shapers to shape the entire body, giving you a perfect solution.
Shapewear for Tummy

Many women want a flat tummy to get a more defined waistline. So, they look for the best shapewear for tummy control  as it is the best way to go. With the right garments, you will get compression technology to shape your midsection. It's time to get a sleeker shape. There is something for all, from shorts to waist trainers or full-body suits. 

Choosing the Right Shapewear

Shapellx Shapewear: Your Guide to a Perfect Look

You should consider your specific shaping goals and other preferences while selecting shapewear. So, you must think about the areas you want to target and the level of control you need. There has to be proper planning for it. It is not as simple as you think. So, you can start by considering factors including fabric, size and style. Also, you should not compromise comfort and the best fit.
Butt Lifting Shapewear

You may want to get a perkier posterior, and butt-lifting shapewear is the solution. These pieces come with targeted compression zones, lifting and shaping your buttocks. In fact, they provide a natural-looking improvement. From wearing jeans and skirts to dresses, you must try out butt lifting shapewear. Best Bodysuit Shapewear

There are certain shapewear that offer full body shaping and smoothing. The most stand-out product is bodysuit shapewear. This is one of the best go-to options for women wanting the best shape. With these bodysuits, you get comprehensive coverage and support. They give you the best and most streamlined shape from head to toe.

Shapellx Shapewear: Your Guide to a Perfect Look

Moreover, they're designed to give you the most comfort and versatility. With adjustable straps and seamless designs, you will enjoy your experience with it. From dressing up for a special occasion to going about your day, you need the best bodysuit shapewear. Take Your Journey to the Next Level With Shapellx

Shaping your body is a major thing in a woman's life. This article is an ultimate guide that can help you achieve the look you want. With this range of shapewear products by Shapewear, it is no challenge to improve curves. It not only helps you with shaping, but also gives you the confidence you need in any outfit. So, let's just say goodbye to your insecurities and hello to a whole new world of shaping with Shapellx.

Shapellx Shapewear: Your Guide to a Perfect Look

Selasa, April 16, 2024

How to Get More Mobile Legends Diamonds (Free and Paid Methods)

Earning diamonds in Mobile Legends is one of the keys to obtaining impressive in-game skins, heroes, and items. Many Mobile Legends players seek ways to increase their diamond count through free and paid methods.

In this game, diamonds are considered valuable assets that can enrich the gaming experience. For some players, collecting diamond ml becomes challenging, providing satisfaction when successfully obtained. Various methods can be explored to increase the number of diamonds, ranging from free methods that require patience and strategy to paid options that are more instant.

How to Get More Mobile Legends Diamonds (Free and Paid Methods)

Free Methods

There are several methods of acquiring diamonds for free in Mobile Legends. One of them is participating in various events or activities organized by the game developers. Typically, these events offer diamond prizes as a form of appreciation to active players.

Loyalty programs also provide diamond rewards to players who regularly play and achieve specific targets. Another method is giveaways often held by the Mobile Legends community or social media influencers.

Although it requires time and patience, these methods can attract rewards for consistent players. Players can collect diamonds without spending money directly using these free methods.

Paid Methods

Paid methods are an attractive option for players who want to obtain diamonds quickly and easily. By purchasing diamonds directly, players can acquire them more rapidly without waiting or completing specific tasks.

Additionally, buying diamonds provides direct access to exclusive content, such as rare hero skins or special items not available through free methods. Various popular payment options are available to facilitate diamond purchasing, such as using credit cards, bank transfers, or payments through digital platforms like Google Play or the Apple Store.

Although it requires spending money, this method provides instant benefits and easy access to exclusive content that can significantly enhance the Mobile Legends gaming experience.

Players can also easily purchase diamonds through Lapakgaming, a trusted platform that offers safe and convenient Mobile Legends diamond top-up services. They can acquire diamonds to enhance their gameplay strength and style.

How to Get More Mobile Legends Diamonds (Free and Paid Methods)

Step-by-Step Top Up Guide

One platform that provides ML diamond top-ups is Lapakgaming. Topping up diamond balances in Mobile Legends through the Lapakgaming platform is simple and convenient, allowing players to obtain diamonds quickly and without significant difficulty. Here are the steps to follow to top up ML diamonds:

1. Start by visiting the official Lapakgaming website and logging in to your personal account. Then, enter the User ID and Zone ID information from your Mobile Legends account.
2. Once successfully logged in, select the desired diamond denomination to be added to your account balance.
3. Please follow the instructions provided to complete the payment process using one of the available payment methods according to your preference.
4. After the payment is successfully processed, the diamond balance will be automatically added to your Mobile Legends account, ready for use in the game.

Both free and paid methods have advantages and disadvantages when acquiring diamonds in Mobile Legends.

The free method offers an alternative for players who want to collect diamonds without spending money, although they require more time and patience. On the other hand, paid methods provide convenience and speed in obtaining diamonds instantly, with direct access to exclusive content.

About the Added Value of Diamonds

Diamonds allow players to purchase hero skins, which improve characters' visual appearance and can also give them a psychological advantage in battle by boosting their confidence and motivation.

Moreover, players can use diamonds to acquire new heroes or items that can offer strategic advantages in matches, such as emblems or gear. However, it's important to pay attention to the wise use and management of diamonds.

Inappropriate or wasteful diamond usage can result in the loss of valuable resources and diminish a player's ability to progress in the game. Therefore, players must carefully consider each diamond purchase and focus on the most effective use to enhance their performance in Mobile Legends battles.

In this case, emerges as a solution that combines the strengths of both methods. The top-up service on this platform provides convenience and security in the diamond loading process, allowing players to quickly increase their diamond balance without worry. Therefore, let's explore the top-up options offered by for a smooth and enjoyable diamond acquisition experience.

Are you curious to give it a try? Visit now to enjoy a comfortable and secure top-up experience and easily acquire Mobile Legends diamonds!

How to Get More Mobile Legends Diamonds (Free and Paid Methods)

Khamis, April 04, 2024


I'm zaza iman, blogging since 2012. like photography, sometime i read book, sometime i like travel..masih menulis blog cuma kadangkala jiwa menulis itu telah menjauh ~ jan 2024 ~ for any collaboration can emel me here : , thanks.

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